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  • 621 MSOS's AMLOs, EAGLEs train as teams with 437 AW, 628 ABW

    Eighteen 621st Mobility Support Operations Squadron (MSOS) team members assigned to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, partnered with Airmen from the 437th Airlift Wing (AW) and 628th Air Base Wing (ABW), both stationed on Joint Base Charleston, SC, to plan and execute dynamic airlift

  • USAF 621 CRW polyglot: certified in five different languages

    By definition, a polyglot is a person who has the knowledge and ability to speak multiple (three or more) different languages.To be language-certified within the 621st Air Mobility Advisory Group (AMAG), an Airman must be able to have a conversation in that language, and one 621st Contingency

  • 621 CRW supports AGF 23-1; 366 FW Lead Wing certification

    The deafening sound of jet engines running hung heavy in the hot and humid air. This is where Contingency Response Airmen worked, each layered with armored helmets, bulletproof vests, fire-retardant uniforms and slung M-4 carbines across their chests. Attentive eyes scanned each operating location

  • Devil Raiders conduct multi-day joint/coalition Exercise Jersey Devil

    The 621st Contingency Response Wing hosted Exercise Jersey Devil at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, Jan. 11-14.The multi-day exercise brought together six wings and numerous joint and total force units to showcase the strategic advantage that incorporated joint partnerships as well as

  • 721 CRS Assumption of Command

    The 621st Contingency Response Wing held an assumption of command ceremony for the standup of a brand new unit, the 721st Contingency Response Squadron, at Travis Air Force Base, California, Jan. 12.Formerly the 6th Air Refueling Wing’s Chief of Safety, Lt. Col. D. Gifford Bloom, explained how proud

  • Airman carves out resiliency time with chainsaw art

    Outdoorsman. That’s what one Airman considers himself. For more than half his life he spent his free time hunting, fishing and trapping.When Tech. Sgt. Scott Herbert, 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron air advisor, moved to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, three years ago, all his