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  • Bringing order to chaos for nearly 30 years

    We are CR! To be CR, or contingency response, has always been nebulous. With nearly 30 years in and around this organization, in unform and as a civilian, I have seen the struggle of defining what we do.

  • CRW’s legacy of Afghanistan Operations

    With the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, it is fitting to reflect on the contributions of Devil Raiders who supported combat operations in Afghanistan.

  • Historic hero still creates bonds between US, Ethiopia

    It was a comfortably warm day in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As the noonday sunlight dappled through the tall trees and birds fluttered between the branches, five U.S. Airmen walked slowly and quietly through a large, peacefully shaded cemetery to find the final resting place of a man whose actions

  • Airman carves out resiliency time with chainsaw art

    Outdoorsman. That’s what one Airman considers himself. For more than half his life he spent his free time hunting, fishing and trapping.When Tech. Sgt. Scott Herbert, 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron air advisor, moved to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, three years ago, all his

  • Language Learning Center provides valuable ways to learn French

    In a building boasting around 100 offices, one small room serves a unique purpose for a rather broad mission. The room is called the Language Learning Center, and it provides Airmen from the 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron the chance to brush up on a language almost everyone is required to

  • AMOS provide command and control during Swift Response 18

    Airmen from the 621st Air Mobility Operations Squadron (AMOS) from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey and the 321st AMOS from Travis Air Force Base, California, came together to provide command and control during the U.S. Army Europe led multinational exercise Swift Response ‘18, from June