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  • 571st MSAS MTT: Building Partner Capacity in Guatemala

    A 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron mobile training team, or MTT, traveled to Guatemala City, Guatemala throughout February and March to advise members from the Guatemalan Air Force on logistics readiness, materiel management and aircraft maintenance.A team of nine air advisors worked with

  • Air advisor course comes to Guam

    Eleven instructors with the 421st Combat Training Squadron, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, flew out to the Pacific Regional Training Center-Andersen, Guam, to conduct an air advisor course, March 27 to April 17, 2023.

  • 571st MSAS supports Women’s Peace, Security event in Panama

    Members of the 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron recently facilitated a U.S. Embassy hosted Women's Peace and Security event in Panama.Women, Peace and Security is an initiative supported by the U.S., Panama and several other countries around the world.

  • 571 MSAS launches inaugural WPS seminar in El Salvador

    Twenty-eight Salvadoran military members participated in the first-ever Women, Peace and Security seminar including all branches of the Salvadoran military from Aug. 23-27 at the Centro de Entrenamiento de Operaciones de Paz (CEOPAZ), El Salvador.Women, Peace and Security is a United Nations effort

  • Remembering the Fallen Air Advisors

    Service members, civilians, and family members from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst gathered at the Air Advisor memorial, April 27, to honor the memories of the 11 Air Advisors who have fallen in the line of duty.

  • 818 MSAS boosts Chad ISR capabilities

    In a nation bordered by several countries dealing with international terror groups, the 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron (MSAS) helped in the fight against terrorism throughout West Africa."When the house of your neighbor is burning, try to help him,” explained Chadian Air Force Lt.