AMC commander: 'Take time to pause, reflect on what your service symbolizes' Published Nov. 24, 2008 By Gen. Arthur Lichte Commander, Air Mobility Command SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- The holiday season is a wonderful time to spend with our family and friends. For many, it means packing up and traveling our nation's highways to visit our loved ones. As we enter this holiday season, please take time to pause and reflect on what your service symbolizes to our nation, and take notice that America is profoundly grateful for all you do. Unfortunately, traffic mishaps during the holiday season claim more lives than any other activity we engage in. Before beginning your travel, the smart thing to do is conduct your own personal risk assessment and decide on the best and safest course of action. Once you've completed your assessment, go over your plan with a friend or family member for a quick sanity check. Once your plan is in place, stick to it. If you plan on hosting or attending celebrations where alcohol is served, remember that alcohol should be consumed in moderation and serving food will help reduce the effects. As an added precaution before the celebration begins, consider the following actions: collect automobile keys, appoint designated drivers, and plan overnight accommodations. Drinking and driving is never the right option. If you are out of the local area and encounter unexpected delays in returning to your unit on time, don't push yourself. If you find yourself in this position, notify your supervisor and arrange to return at a later time. We can't afford to have any of our AMC team members push the limit and be involved in a mishap. Your safety is our number one concern. You can help by being your own safety manager. Let's not forget our single Airmen and the family members of our deployed warriors. Spending the holidays alone or without loved ones can be difficult for anyone. Reach out to them; it could be the greatest gift you give this season. Chris and I wish you a safe, happy and joyous season. All the best in the New Year!