Contingency response squadron earns Air Mobility Command’s theater command and control top unit award

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Bradlee Seehawer
  • 321st Air Mobility Operations Squadron

For the sixth time in seven years, the 321st Air Mobility Operations Squadron has been recognized as Air Mobility Command’s Theater Command and Control AMOS unit of the year. This award is given every year to the AMOS for excellence in accomplishment of the theater command and control mission. The AMOS are a unique part of the Global Air Mobility Support System consisting of a cross-functional team of air mobility experts that are trained to embed in theater Air Mobility Divisions during crises and contingencies.

“These elite, total force mobility Airmen, utilizing advanced warfighting capabilities, C2 concepts, and training, projected, connected, maneuvered, and sustained the joint force across the globe,” Maj. Gen. Darren Cole, headquarters AMC director of operations, strategic deterrence, and nuclear deterrence said in an announcement.

The “masterminds” supported over 250 taskings in 2023, augmenting theater air operations centers in United States Indo-Pacific Command and United States European Command during 10 combined joint chiefs of staff and AMC exercises. AMOS airmen planned the airlift supporting combined joint forcible entry operations in the Republic of Korea during ULCHI FREEDOM SHIELD 23 and provided the operational level planning for historic maximum endurance operation sorties for the KC-135 and KC-46 during MOBILITY GUARDIAN 23.

At home the “masterminds” have invested significant resources into their $4.5 million weapons system suite, moving it even closer to replicating the capabilities of an air operations center. During FREEDOM SHIELD 23 the AMOS provided most of their support of the exercise from Travis AFB for the first time and demonstrating unprecedented continuity of operations with the 607 Air Operations Center.

“Members of the 321 AMOS continue to push the boundaries on mobility command and control by forging new joint and coalition relationships,” Lt. Col. Garrett Denniston, 321 AMOS squadron commander said. “We’re working hard to give geographic combatant commanders more options for employing air refueling, aeromedical evacuation, and airlift in theater. The fight’s on, and I’m excited about what we have planned for 2024.”