USAFEC command team holds all call at A/TA Conference Published Nov. 14, 2023 U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center Public Affairs JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -- Maj. Gen. John Klein, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Courtney Freeman, USAFEC command chief, held an all call at the Airlift/Tanker Association Conference bringing together nearly 250 Airmen across the enterprise. During the all call, the command team thanked the Airmen for their hard work over the past year and explained how the mission set they provide is in high demand and is one of the most important and sought after commodities across the Joint Force. “Last year was a great one, but now is the time to institutionalize and advance USAFEC operations, activities, and investments, fortifying the foundation for Airmen to prevail in expeditionary warfare,” Klein said. The command team also touched on how the Airmen in the USAFEC are the foundation of Rapid Global Mobility and their ability to move the needle to meet the needs of the Joint Force has put the USAFEC on the map. “We will continue to rapidly expand our Global Air Mobility Support System in support of Agile Combat employment,” Klein said. “Your hard work and ingenuity allow us to explode into any theater and be the unfair advantage it’s going to take to win the next big fight.” Airmen from the 515th and 521st Air Mobility Operations Wings had the opportunity to host a panel and explain how the USAFEC is expanding the GAMSS. “24/7, 365 days a year, we operate our air mobility squadrons within our adversaries’ threat range,” said Col. Troy Pierce, 715th Air Mobility Operations Group commander. “We are transitioning from a fixed en-route support system into a more agile and adaptive force. The USAFEC enterprise has been experimenting and exercising the idea of air mobility teams, which are light, lean, and cross functional with maintenance and aerial port capabilities. These teams give us the opportunity to disaggregate and reaggregate within the theater creating more throughput capacity.” Air mobility teams and contingency response forces has demonstrated its global mobility presence by participating in exercises such as Mobility Guardian, Cope North and real-world operations in support of Ukraine. The all call ended with Klein thanking and congratulating Joint Base Charleston for being the first to deploy an expeditionary air base in support of the new Air Force Force Generation, or AFFORGEN model.