• Published
  • By Maj. Christopher Bowyer-Meeder

The United States Air Force Expeditionary Center will host the Global Mobility/Combat Support ’23 (GLOMO/CS23) wargame, here, March 27-31. The exercise brings together subject matter experts of varying Air Force Specialty Codes from across the enterprise and focuses on logistics, sustainment and mobility operations that occur during standard military engagements.

The wargame attendees, who are a mix of officers, enlisted and civilians, will leverage their expertise to improve logistics and mobility fidelity in Title 10 wargames; exchange information on military strategy, doctrine, and modeling & simulation analysis; refine wargame products; prepare players for the wargame; and evaluate Agile Combat Employment (ACE) and operating concepts for air-to-air refueling (AAR), strategic airlift, aeromedical evacuation, contingency response, and a variety of other pertinent mission sets.

Major Patrick Cummings, lead planner for the event, explained some of the key benefits to be gleaned from an exercise like this.

“We’re always told to practice how we play,” Cummings said. “By getting a group of mobility experts in a room together, and thinking through exactly how the Rapid Global Mobility piece of the air mission should look, we’ll be prepared to execute the winning scheme of maneuver against the pacing challenge, or any other threat that would require air support.”

He went on to explain the value of integrating with personnel that may not work together on a daily basis.

“The worst time to build connective tissue with Wingmen is after a conflict begins,” the planner explained. “By working closely with the men and women that will be on-site, we’ll also be expanding our knowledge base and understanding of how to best communicate with them to ensure the needs of the joint force are met in a real-world situation.”

At the conclusion of the wargame, the attendees will be able return to their home units with a better understanding of the RGM mission during expeditionary warfare.