WEBVTT 00:00.640 --> 00:03.470 A picture says 1000 words and that one 00:03.470 --> 00:07.020 word can create a million ideas . And 00:07.020 --> 00:09.020 so the two words I brought and that 00:09.020 --> 00:11.290 I've learned over time and particularly 00:11.290 --> 00:13.512 what I've learned in my military career 00:13.512 --> 00:16.930 are how and why ? So in order to do 00:16.930 --> 00:19.660 anything were taught how to do it . 00:20.340 --> 00:24.190 When we're evaluating , we first 00:24.190 --> 00:25.912 have to teach people how to do 00:25.912 --> 00:28.023 something . And then when we evaluate 00:28.023 --> 00:30.190 we assess how they did and then what's 00:30.190 --> 00:32.301 most important is understanding why , 00:32.301 --> 00:35.820 why it matters . And so when I came to 00:35.820 --> 00:38.960 help the Air force stand up task force 00:38.960 --> 00:42.470 liberty , I came with the idea that I 00:42.470 --> 00:44.637 needed to understand how we were going 00:44.637 --> 00:46.692 to do it . Which meant that I had to 00:46.692 --> 00:48.914 help figure out how we were going to do 00:48.914 --> 00:51.830 it and why what we were doing matter . 00:52.110 --> 00:55.460 And so what I realized is that there 00:55.460 --> 00:57.627 were a lot of things that informed how 00:57.627 --> 00:59.738 I thought about how and why . And one 00:59.738 --> 01:02.700 of the most important was lucidity ease 01:03.140 --> 01:06.240 wrote about the Peloponnesian wars . 01:06.510 --> 01:09.260 It's the first recorded history of war 01:10.040 --> 01:11.984 and the war was between Athens and 01:11.984 --> 01:14.090 Sparta and what facilities wrote was 01:14.090 --> 01:17.890 that it's human nature for people to 01:17.890 --> 01:20.860 fight over three things fear , 01:21.640 --> 01:24.470 honor and interest . Fear is you don't 01:24.470 --> 01:26.692 know and you may fear something you may 01:26.692 --> 01:28.859 flee . Fear is you may decide you need 01:28.859 --> 01:31.490 to fight honor . You'll draw the line 01:31.490 --> 01:34.000 in the sand and interest . If there's 01:34.000 --> 01:36.111 something that isn't plentiful enough 01:36.111 --> 01:38.222 for people to share , they may end up 01:38.222 --> 01:40.278 fighting over it . And so I realized 01:40.278 --> 01:44.180 that our job was to help recover afghan 01:44.190 --> 01:47.450 refugees afghan evacuees at risk 01:47.450 --> 01:50.560 afghans and to provide them . Really 01:50.560 --> 01:52.980 five things we had to receive them . We 01:52.980 --> 01:55.360 had to provide safety security . We had 01:55.360 --> 01:58.880 to um care for them and we had to 01:58.880 --> 02:01.560 develop a community in order to support 02:01.570 --> 02:04.550 them . And what we were focusing on was 02:04.550 --> 02:07.000 alleviating their fear , reestablishing 02:07.000 --> 02:10.090 their honor and helping them transition 02:10.200 --> 02:13.260 to a point where they can be legal 02:13.260 --> 02:15.480 residents in the US chasing their 02:15.480 --> 02:17.313 american dream , realizing their 02:17.313 --> 02:19.660 american dream and allowing them to get 02:19.670 --> 02:23.600 back to their interests . And what I 02:23.600 --> 02:26.950 also realized was that perception 02:27.340 --> 02:31.250 is reality . So how you view things is 02:31.250 --> 02:33.950 your reality ? How are afghan 02:34.540 --> 02:38.090 evacuees view things is their 02:38.090 --> 02:41.790 reality and their reality might be 02:41.800 --> 02:44.390 very different from where they came to 02:44.390 --> 02:47.420 where they are now here in the US 02:47.940 --> 02:50.360 inside of joint base McGuire dix 02:50.360 --> 02:52.980 Lakehurst while they transition to 02:52.980 --> 02:55.202 chasing the american dream . And what I 02:55.202 --> 02:57.300 also realized was that reality is 02:57.300 --> 02:59.356 dynamic . Our realities change , our 02:59.356 --> 03:01.930 perceptions change . But what's most 03:01.930 --> 03:05.780 important is that misperception is both 03:05.780 --> 03:09.440 dynamic and a reality . And so in 03:09.450 --> 03:12.410 order to ensure that we've alleviated 03:12.410 --> 03:14.577 their fear , reestablished their honor 03:14.577 --> 03:17.470 and given them the path to chasing 03:17.470 --> 03:20.400 their interests or their dreams . That 03:20.400 --> 03:24.250 we had to make sure that we aligned any 03:24.250 --> 03:25.960 misperceptions realigned any 03:25.960 --> 03:28.350 misperceptions that they had to a 03:28.350 --> 03:31.960 perception that was in essence 03:32.340 --> 03:34.890 the reality . And in order to do that 03:34.900 --> 03:37.067 three more words were introduced to me 03:37.410 --> 03:39.743 that I'm going to take away for my life . 03:39.840 --> 03:42.510 And those words were established by a 03:42.510 --> 03:44.700 group of people talking and then the 03:44.700 --> 03:46.644 commander saying , hey , that's it 03:46.940 --> 03:50.000 better every day . That's our objective . 03:50.010 --> 03:53.450 As we are receiving our afghan 03:53.460 --> 03:56.770 evacuees as we are providing safety and 03:56.770 --> 03:59.910 security for our afghan refugees as we 03:59.910 --> 04:02.870 are caring for them and establishing a 04:02.870 --> 04:05.380 community to support them while they're 04:05.380 --> 04:08.260 transitioning , our objective is to 04:08.260 --> 04:11.880 make better every day . That is in 04:11.880 --> 04:15.430 essence our center of gravity . If we 04:15.430 --> 04:17.790 can do that , then we will have a 04:17.790 --> 04:21.090 thriving community that develop skills 04:21.090 --> 04:23.040 that they will need to be more 04:23.040 --> 04:26.380 successful as they transition to being 04:26.390 --> 04:28.850 our newest citizens . But in order to 04:28.850 --> 04:32.050 do that at Task Force Liberty , 04:32.640 --> 04:34.480 we have to know that there's a 04:34.480 --> 04:36.536 difference between crisis mitigation 04:37.140 --> 04:39.560 And crisis mitigation looks like 04:39.570 --> 04:43.360 124,000 Afghans flown 04:43.360 --> 04:46.090 halfway around the world in 17 days by 04:46.090 --> 04:48.630 Air Mobility Command . Part of crisis 04:48.630 --> 04:52.270 mitigation is standing up Task Force 04:52.270 --> 04:55.440 Liberty and within days receiving the 04:55.450 --> 04:58.800 1st 1000 of what in weeks will become 04:58.810 --> 05:02.510 13,000 afghan refugees now 05:02.510 --> 05:06.510 living for a period of time on Joint 05:06.510 --> 05:09.880 base McGuire dix Lakehurst and so to 05:09.880 --> 05:13.770 make better every day , enduring are 05:13.770 --> 05:17.380 enduring success is transitioning from 05:17.390 --> 05:21.270 crisis mitigation to an 05:21.270 --> 05:24.050 enduring mission that is planned 05:24.740 --> 05:28.220 four success and so that takes me to 05:28.220 --> 05:30.380 the three steps to do that . You have 05:30.380 --> 05:33.060 to plan to be successful , 05:34.240 --> 05:37.030 You have to communicate your plan so 05:37.030 --> 05:39.086 that everybody understands what that 05:39.086 --> 05:42.160 plan is , how it will be implemented so 05:42.160 --> 05:44.327 that everybody understand what success 05:44.327 --> 05:46.670 looks like . And then most importantly 05:46.670 --> 05:49.360 you have to execute the plan that 05:49.360 --> 05:51.430 you've communicated . And so we 05:51.430 --> 05:53.486 successfully mitigated the crisis of 05:53.486 --> 05:56.350 receiving are at risk afghan 05:56.370 --> 05:59.160 evacuees in very rapid fashion . 06:00.240 --> 06:03.960 And now it's our job to ensure that are 06:03.960 --> 06:06.510 enduring mission is properly planned , 06:06.510 --> 06:09.360 effectively communicated and executed . 06:09.740 --> 06:13.550 And so that's not a static thing , it's 06:13.550 --> 06:15.880 like reality . It's like perception or 06:15.880 --> 06:19.030 misperception . It too is dynamic . And 06:19.030 --> 06:22.270 so we have to look at how we're 06:22.270 --> 06:25.690 executing that plan by observing how 06:25.690 --> 06:28.640 it's executed orienting to the changes 06:28.640 --> 06:30.750 that happen or to our environment , 06:31.440 --> 06:33.551 deciding what we're gonna do next and 06:33.551 --> 06:35.720 then acting and then circling back 06:35.720 --> 06:37.840 around to do that over and over and 06:37.840 --> 06:41.450 over again . I offer you five words for 06:41.450 --> 06:44.530 making this mission successful in five 06:44.530 --> 06:47.500 words that I hope you 06:47.500 --> 06:50.960 internalize for how you make your life 06:51.540 --> 06:54.350 more fulfilling and those five words 06:54.410 --> 06:57.060 are how and why and better every day . 06:57.440 --> 07:00.260 If you can understand how things work , 07:01.020 --> 07:03.080 if you can understand how you're 07:03.080 --> 07:06.620 supposed to do your job and why things 07:06.620 --> 07:08.910 work the way they do in the world and 07:08.910 --> 07:12.020 why what you're doing matters and every 07:12.020 --> 07:14.242 day you can focus on making it better , 07:15.040 --> 07:17.096 then this mission will be successful 07:17.640 --> 07:20.160 and I think you will find life to be 07:20.160 --> 07:22.360 much more fulfilling . Thank you